Announce your event on our sites:
1/ your event2/ venue3/ organization
  • * compulsory
  • Relation to the countries of the South *
    To appear in our sites' listings, your event must be related to the countries of the South"" : - Africa - Caribbean - Pacific - South-East Asia - Middle East - Arabian Peninsula - Central Asia."
    Select the nature of this link in the following menu
  • title *
    Enter your event title (use capitals only at the start of the title and for proper nous).
  • type *

  • subtitle
    Present your event in no more than 255 characters. This resumé will appear below the title of your event in the listings.

  • By
    ecurring event"", we mean an event organized every year or every other year under the same name and bringing together several artists on a given theme (for example: festivals, carnivals, fairs, shows, etc.). Is your event a recurring event?"

    yes no
  • country *

    department *
    If your event takes place in France, please select a department.
  • start date *
    Enter the date your event starts.
  • end date *
    Enter the date your event ends. If your event lasts just one day, enter the same start and end date.

  • fields *
    Select a maximum of 3 artistic disciplines concerning your event

  • description *
    Enter or cut and paste a detailed description of your event (programme, statement, etc.).
  • times and rates
    In no more than 255 characters, indicate your event rates, times, and reservation information
  • website
    Enter your event's website address.
  • your event's email
    Enter the e-mail address at which you wish to receive questions from the public about your event.
  • image
    You may add a small image to illustrate your event. Click on [browse], then choose an image from your computer. Your image will be sent to us when you validate this form. Your picture must not exceed 200 KB.

  • confirmation email *
    enter an email address so we can confirm that your event has been added to the Africultures events listings. This address will remain strictly confidential.
  • partner code
    If you have a partnership agreement with Africultures, enter your partner code.
  • In order to improve your event file in our listings, select from our database the elements (films, albums, books, artists/professionals, etc.) featuring in your programme.

  • films
    Select the films related to your event

  • music albums
    Select the music albums related to your event

  • shows
    Select the shows related to your event

  • books
    Select the books related to your event

  • groups
    Select the groups related to your event

  • the artists/professionals
    Select the artists/professionals related to your event
